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This page is meant to provide debtors’ attorneys and pro se debtors with information that will assist in the preparation of the Meeting of Creditors. 

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The U.S. Trustee Program has extended the requirement that section 341 meetings (the "Meeting of Creditors") be conducted by telephone or video appearance to all cases filed during the period of the President’s “Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak” issued March 13, 2020, and ending on the date that is 60 days after such declaration terminates.  If you do not have an attorney and are representing yourself, you will receive a letter from me informing you how to attend your Meeting of Creditors remotely.  That letter will also inform you of the documents that you need to e-mail or mail to me prior to your Meeting of Creditors.  




At least seven (7) days before your Meeting of Creditors, you must provide my office the following documents:


- Pay stubs for the 60 day period prior to the date you filed your bankruptcy case; 


- Your most recent federal tax return with all schedules, worksheets, and pertinent K-1s, W-2s and/or 1099s; 


- Photographic proof of your identification, such as your driver’s license, military ID, passport, or any other type of government-issued photo identification;


- Proof of your social security number, such as your original social security card, medical insurance card, pay stub, W-2 form, 1099 form, or a Social Security Administration (SSA) Statement;


- Statements from all bank accounts in which you held or hold an interest, either individually or jointly with others, issued during the period of 3 months prior to the date you filed your bankruptcy case and any statements issued thereafter;


- Completed and signed Interrogatories (click link for document);


- If you are an attorney representing a debtor, a completed and signed Attorney Declaration Regarding Confirmation of Debtor Identify and Social Security Number (click link for document), or, if you are a debtor representing yourself, a completed and signed Declaration of Debtor Confirming Identity and Social Security Number (click link for document); and 


- If you are a debtor representing yourself, a completed and signed Questionnaire for Debtors Without An Attorney (click link for document).


These documents, if you are an attorney representing a debtor, should be provided via the Stretto Document Delivery Portal (the "Stretto DDP").  Please to NOT mail these documents to me.  If you need a registration code for my Stretto DDP, please e-mail me a request at


If you are a debtor representing yourself, these documents can be provided via e-mail or first class mail.  Please include your case number as well as the date and time of your Meeting of Creditors on all communications to this office. DO NOT SEND THESE DOCUMENTS TO THE CLERK OF THE COURT.


All debtors must review the Bankruptcy Information Sheet.  At the Meeting of Creditors, debtors will be asked if they have read it.  


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